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The book "Управление маркетингом" (Marketing Management) addresses the challenges of marketing as one of the key elements in the functioning of enterprises in a market economy. The book discusses the following main tasks of marketing management: market research and gaining a leading position, stimulating innovative activities, increasing productivity and product quality, and satisfying customer needs. The target audience for this book includes company executives, managers at all levels, research department employees, as well as students in economics-focused universities and colleges. The publisher expresses special gratitude to B.I. Kopylov for assistance in preparing the book. Endorsed by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students studying in economic fields and specialties. The book was translated from English under the general editorship of Dr. Y.V. Shlenova and translated by O.N. Belenova. Reviewed by Dr. N.E. Titova, Professor at the Humanities Institute in Moscow. Published by "IZDATELSTVO BINOM" in 1998. Support for the publication was provided by the Center for the Development of Scientific and Technical Entrepreneurship in Higher Education and the United States Agency for International Development through the Eurasia Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or other methods of copying or storing information, without written permission from the publisher. Foreword: We live in an era of colossal changes. The threat of economic and ecological disruptions is obvious, strong, and very real. American firms must develop and produce the best products and services and find the best ways to market them, which leads us to think about marketing management. What was once considered good enough now does not withstand competition. Resources that were once deemed inexhaustible must now be used more efficiently. Today, if a company does not occupy a leading position, it perishes under the pressure of competitors. Do modern marketing textbooks address these changes, especially the intensifying competition? Do they sufficiently emphasize the link between customer satisfaction and overall quality management? Do they highlight the constant trend towards increasing efficiency? Do they offer companies,